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譚若蘭 Cordelia Tam

更新 : 2023-09-23
譚若蘭 Cordelia Tam
  • 多媒體影像
  • 其他藝術




Cordelia Tam was born in Hong Kong and has studied and worked in Canada. She received a Professional Diploma in Fine Art program of Hong Kong Art School in 2017 and received a Master of Fine Art candidate with Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University in 2020. Influenced by Chinese philosophy of Taoism, Cordelia explores the linkage between human and nature in her works, using everyday material combined with themes of conformity to inspire towards harmony in urban life. Her works are multidisciplinary and include video, installation, photography and other media. In recent years Cordelia’s works have been exhibited in local group exhibitions, and during her residency in Taiwan in 2018 she co-created an art installation work which was awarded the 2018 Austronesian International Arts Award-Grand Prize.


共生 • 迴響 (Symbiosis • Resonance) 兩位創作人,從動盪的香港再次來到台東,也看見了這裡美麗的風景和人。這次駐村多住了一些日子,到訪了不同的部落也參與了原住民族的豐年祭典;經歷七月的地震及颱風,對這地方也有了不同層面的認識。 共生 • 迴響 ─作品由香港人所處的當下作為起點,仰望台灣的山巒海岸,讓觀眾在布農族的Pasibutbut(祈禱小米豐收歌)的音場包圍下,感受這片土地各民族是如何與自然共存。一線的磚塊被海浪磨蝕,記載着人類文明和自然的角力,磨去了凌角似是無力又或許是共融的機遇。人如沙聚,面對嚴苛的環境一路走來可不容易,作品中的沙粒圖騰展示的文化,在現代步伐之下,要保存並不容易。


●AWARDS AND HONORS 獎項與榮譽● -2018 2018 Austronesian International Arts Award-Grand Prize -2018 南島國際美術獎-首獎 -2017 Selected Award in the Open Competition for Public Art Scheme of Tsun Yip Street Playground, presented by the Leisure & Cultural Services Department 駿業街遊樂場公共藝術計劃入選獎, 香港康樂及文化事務署主辦 ●RESIDENCY 駐留計劃● -2019 TTICC Artist-in-Residence for Creations and Exhibitions Hosted by Taitung County Government 台東縣原住民文創聚落藝術家駐村創作策展計劃 -2018 2018 Austronesian International Arts Award-Artist-in-Residence -2018 南島國際美術獎-駐村計劃 ●QUALIFICATION 學歷● -2020 MFA , Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Australia 澳洲,皇家墨爾本理工大學,純藝術碩士 -2017 Professional Diploma in Fine Art-Intro Art (QF Level 5), Hong Kong Art School 香港藝術學院藝術,專業文憑 (資歷級別 5) -2015 Professional Diploma in Fine Art-Intro Art (QF Level 4), Hong Kong Art School 香港藝術學院藝術,專業文憑 (資歷級別 4) -2009 Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Sociology, University of Western Ontario (Canada)加拿大,西安大略大學,經濟學和社會學文學學士
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